Latest News

Dear Eastern Christian School Current and Prospective Families,

We are living in unprecedented times. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic shutdown, we have all been impacted. As a result, our financial planning processes will be challenged and we will be revisiting and revising them.

In particular, as it pertains to EC families, we are changing the way that we award Variable Tuition (VT). We are also moving our Continuous Enrollment Deadline to July 1st.

We are making these changes in an attempt to award our limited Variable Tuition funds to the greatest possible number of eligible families and in as timely of a manner as possible. We believe that these adjustments will help both Eastern Christian School and our families better plan for next school year.

Apply for Variable Tuition

Important details and dates moving forward:

  • May 15: This is the hard deadline for all Variable Tuition applications for both returning & prospective EC families. Applications received after this date will not be considered during the critical awarding period. As in the past, we are partnering with Covenant Tuition Services (CTS) to assess the financial information of EC families. CTS will work with you to obtain the most current financial information available.
  • June 15: All returning EC families who completed and submitted their VT application by May 15 will receive their Variable Tuition award letters
    Returning EC families’ signed commitment is due back to EC within 14 days of receipt
  • June 30: All prospective EC families who completed and turned in their VT application will receive their Variable Tuition award letters
    Prospective EC families’ signed commitment is due back to EC within 14 days of receipt
  • July 1: This is the Continuous Enrollment Deadline. The same rules that typically apply for our continuous enrollment deadline (March 31st) have been moved to July 1st. more info here

If you have any questions about these process changes or Variable Tuition, please contact Geraldine Gallagher from the EC business office. If you have questions about continuous enrollment, please contact our Director of Enrollment, Rudi Gesch.

Thank you for your partnership in our shared mission of providing an excellent Christian education!


Thomas G. Dykhouse
Executive Director and Head of School

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