Yup – Believe it or Not, This is a Test!

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Yup – Believe it or Not, This is a Test!

Yup--believe it or not, this is a test!  Not quite the type of test that most of us think of when we talk about testing. Mention the word "test," and our brains scream out in fear, cutting off our ability to think creatively. Testing brings up images of scantron sheets with fill in the circle…

EC Preschool Runs Pilot Day at Faith Community Church

Eastern Christian Preschool is growing! This year, we increased our scheduling options allowing us to serve more children and families. As a result, our preschool enrollment increased by 20%! We recognize the awesome responsibility and blessing of being entrusted with a child’s first school experience. Next year, we will be offering the same preschool program…

Eastern Christian School Announces Saturday School

Eastern Christian is proud to announce the start of Saturday School, set to launch next semester! Classes and events are available for all ages. We are offering everything from SAT/ ACT Prep for high school students to Ceramics and Photoshop for any adult in the EC Community. Also families of middle and elementary school kids,…

Alumni Thanksgiving Chapel at ECHS

The auditorium at Eastern Christian High School was filled to capacity for this morning’s Thanksgiving Chapel. Recent EC grads were invited to attend this special chapel led by several alumni. Worship was followed by a time fellowship and breakfast. It was great to see familiar faces back in the halls reuniting and catching up with each-other and current students.…

Math Club Finishes Top 4 at Seton Hall Competition

The Eastern Christian High School Math Club recently competed in the Joseph W. Andrushkiw Mathematics Competition at Seton Hall University. In all, 25 New Jersey High Schools featuring 249 individual students competed in this prestigious competition. EC's Math Club finished 4th overall in the team competition, winning one of the 5 top-prize plaques. In the individual competition,…

High School Preview Day

At Eastern Christian High School, we recently welcomed over 90 eighth grade students as part of our annual High School Preview Day. We were very excited to see all of EC’s current 8th grade class as well as many visitors from other schools in the area. Many EC eighth grade students were surprised to learn that we…

Seussified Christmas Carol: Congratulations, Cast & Crew!

Congratulations to the cast and crew of A Seussified Christmas Carol on a fabulous show! If you missed the show or want to see highlights take a look at the photo gallery linked below. See photos here!

Open House Welcomes Over 80 Guests!

We were thrilled to welcome over 80 guests to our November Open House at Eastern Christian High School! More than 30 families joined EC students, faculty, administration, and board members as we considered together what an Engaging, Nurturing, Transforming education would be like for their family. Thanks to all who came out- we look forward…

Citizens of the Kingdom

(click for high-resolution photo) As a Christian school community, we have been talking about the 2016 election and its outcome. The conversations that have been happening on a national level are also happening within our school walls.  As students and teachers discuss important and sensitive issues, we remember the beliefs that we share as a school…

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